You are building community for social action. You want to motivate from the bottom up, invigorating your grass roots base and giving them skills to actualize your mission.
You are building community for emotional growth and support. You lead support groups through hospitals or community centers for personal growth and support around specific issues like chronic illness, grieving, weight loss. You are involved with 12-Step Groups. You want to give people specific self-help skills
You know that learning to resolve interpersonal conflict is the basis of community. You want people to understand that diversity and uniqueness is the core of the human condition, and you want to help people turn conflict into creativity, to reduce prejudice and stereotyping, to become bonded through empathy. You want everyone to have conflict resolution skills
You need reliable methods for collaborative, group problem solving. You believe in working consensually. You believe that only equality of skills and information empowers people. You want people to share leadership, responsibility, and power.People are apathetic, too busy to “get involved.” You don’t know where to start, how to find that “one small thing” that will get them involved…
In task-oriented groups, your decision making meetings can go on forever or turn into a fight for leadership. People interrupt each other and compete for turns. Often talk does not translate into action. No decision gets made. Nothing happens…..
You are not sure how to resolve conflict. You need a safe, predictable way to turn confrontation into connection….
People in support groups touch the tip of the same “iceberg” of emotion over and over. You would like to be able to take people more deeply into their feelings in a safe way….
People drop out of groups. They need something more. You wish people could come to trust each other, not just the leader, and go on supporting each other after the group ends.
If this sounds like you and your groups and organizations, our Self-Help Package, with our manual, Focusing in Community: How To Start A Listening/Focusing Support Group (Focusing En Comunidad: Como Empezar un Grupo De Apoyo de Escocha Y Focusing in Espanol), multimedia aids and online support, can help you bring Intuitive Focusing and Focused Listening into your groups and help bond participants through empathy, motivate action from the ground up, and provide structures to resolve interpersonal conflicts and create collaborative decisions.